Friday, May 27, 2011

Solomons to Kent Narrows and Elk Head MD

On my last post I had mentioned our friends Twyla and Mike from Joplin Mo, our thoughts and prayers go out to their friends and family back home and we wish them better days as they try to put their lives back together in Joplin.

We had pizza and beers with Twyla and Mike the night before we left the Solomons where were we going next?  The original plan was to go to Annapolis again as we had a wonderful time there on the way south.  But, it was not meant to be this time, as the Naval graduation was going to be taking place in a couple of days and they were pretty well filled up so...... next time.  We had made advanced reservation at Cape May NJ for the Memorial Day weekend so we decided we better step things up a bit to make it there as you never know how the Delaware Bay will be.  It would not be uncommon to get held up  for days because of bad weather on the Bay and there is really no stopping once you jump out there.  So we parted ways with Nauti Nell as they plan to spend much more time exploring the Chesapeake Bay.  I am sure we will catch up with them somewhere, maybe on the Hudson we will look forward to that for sure!  Have fun, can't wait to hear the stories.  Safe travels!

 On Tuesday we left the Solomons this is a lighthouse at Lookout Point just before the Solomons if heading south.
 It was a beautiful day to travel the waters were very calm but hot and humid.  We had planned to anchor out for the night but just as were heading towards our anchorage the USCG gave a weather warning for heavy winds and severe thunderstorms so we took a slip at the Kent Narrows.  No winds or thunderstorms came, it was calm seas.
 This is yet another lighthouse at the Kent Narrows MD
 Oh one more light.  This one is at Elks Head just at the entry to the C&D canal.
 Pretty as a picture.  When we were in this area last fall we thought the C&D canal Elk head area was pretty.  We still thught so, but taking a look at it a second time I think we liked it so much is that it reminded us of New England.
Well we don't have red cliffs like this in New England but I thought it was a nice pic.