He is on a mission, clean and air out the boat and move it to another slip, he will be back here again by Sunday.
The house was on the market for exactly 3 weeks and we now have just over 3 weeks to pack it all up!
So what now? We still are not sure where we want to land NC, SC, GA or somewhere else? Until then SweetPea will be our home, not a bad thing.
Our daughter Ashley is excited to be moving to Austin Texas and begin a new chapter in her life. She may leave earlier than us once she works out her 2 week notice with her employers.
The times they are a changin, what do we do about an address for mail? What do we do with all our stuff? I guess it all goes into storage for now more thinning out needs to happen first, what to sell what to keep! What about the dog? Jim fears he will become shark food, I fear Jim will become shark food!
By the time all the dust settles we will be full time live aboards and no longer dirt dwellers? I cannot believe that it has been almost a year since I have been on SweetPea more than a day or 2, time sure flys.
Times a tickin, stay tuned...........