Installing new heat/AC pump
We are still in Jacksonville and our wait for our daughter just got longer. She was due to arrive tomorrow (wed) however as in most of the waiting we do, yes its weather related. Providence is due to get 12-18" of snow tonight and into tomorrow, her flight has been canceled so we rescheduled her to arrive here (hopefully) Saturday. Its unfortunate her birthday is Thursday but she has been spending a good amount of time with her aunt and uncle in Barrington RI and today my sister took her for a manicure and pedicure, something she really enjoyed. We will see you in a few days Happy Birthday Sweetpea!
We are at the Ortega Yacht Club and luckily we booked it for a week as we got a great deal on it. And the extra day is only .90/ft including electric, can't beat that!
Today since we had rented a car we had a chance to check out the area a bit and do shopping for boat supplies. Jim also wanted to do an oil change and install a new pump for the heating and air conditioning, the other one was original to the boat and just wasn't performing as it should. So having a car to pickup the 10 gallons of new oil needed made it way easier. And of course its not an outing without that trip to West Marine, we needed a ChartKit for the Florida East Coast and the Keys. So tomorrow while jim has the floor apart working on the engines and doing the oil change I shall make myself scarce.....laundry and provisioning.
Oh, I almost forgot, to anyone planning on staying here the dockmaster puts on a cookout on the 2nd Saturday of the month which was the day after we arrived a nice meet and greet.