Yesterday we visited the Space Center it was a nice day spent with Ashley and 68 degrees! But today sadly, we went to Orlando so Ashley could fly back home. We had hoped to do a bit more with her but timing her departure due to incoming storms in New England cut her trip a bit short. And as luck would have it was in the upper 70's today however a storm was brewing and by 6pm it was very windy very rainy, thunder and lightening and the threat of tornado's eekkkk! as it turned out no tornado's turned up here but it was still a bit scary! They did spot some tornado's 1 was in Cocoa Beach and we had been there earlier in the day. It is still raining but we hope to leave tomorrow heading to Melbourne then to Fort Pierce, we have reservations at the City marina for 3 days as they have their Seafood Festival on Saturday and the Farmers Market on Sunday along with crafters selling their wares. From their who knows where we shall land next. Pictures to follow once we move as downloading here is much to time consuming.
A special thank you goes out to Chip for taking care of the house and dog and to Ron and Nancy for the special time spent with Ashley and transporting her to and from the airport. Thank You all!