Back onboard (New Years Eve)
Dec 17th
We rented a pickup to travel home for the Christmas holiday 1980 miles round-trip pretty much uneventful other than the ticket speedy got in Maryland UGH, 83 in a 65 zone ouch! The trooper was nice enough to write it up at 71 mph saving big bucks! Merry Christmas LOL.
We arrived home and brought the first real snow for the season with us, hey, consider it a gift. Christmas Eve is always great fun spent with the Moura's in Barrington RI and Christmas Day at home with my family.
Jim and I bought new wheels for each other for Christmas. They are in the form of bicycles for the boat, the pickup came in handy. So now we are back on the boat and its New years eve Beaufort is celebrating their 300 year Centennial tonight with fireworks, music and other entertainment (great timing for us). We will be restocking, cleaning and reorganizing the next couple of days and moving on down the waterway Monday. The plan right now is Jacksonville in the next 7 days to pickup our daughter who will be traveling with us for a week or so.